World Exclusive: The Vera Valor, the first ever pure gold bullion coin or “round bar” made from “Clean extraction” Gold will arrive in early December 2011

Obverse of the VERA VALOR, 1 ounce of pure gold from "clean extraction" in the form of a "round bar", produced by and available from and and will unveil their innovative new gold coin, the VERA VAOR, during a private function for their Members on December 3rd 2011. The general release is scheduled for December 5th when everyone will have a chance to see the first ever bullion 1 ounce “round bar” made from pure gold of “clean extraction”.
Minted in Switzerland, the Vera Valor has characteristics comparable to that of a Chinese 1 ounce Panda (purity 999.9, 32mm diameter, 31.10 grams and 2.7mm thickness) but it has its own unique and innovative features.
Firstly it is a true universal coin and has no control or allegiance to a country, religion, culture and especially not to any financial institution.
This is reinforced by the choice of 5 languages for the word ounce, notably in Chinese and Arabic.
Also it will use the best of safeguards used with bullion bars and be one of the few (if there are any others?) to propose an individual unique reference number along with the hallmark of the world renowned assayer and mint Valcambi, thus guaranteeing the integrity of this unique product.
The “icing on the cake” for the lucky Members who are able to order these coins is that they will be able to personalise/customise their coins by adding three letters (initials etc.) before the serial number (eg. CUP3418).
The first series will be the 2012 edition of 1000 pieces which will be numbered from 000 to 999.
For the moment that’s as much as we know but the guys at LinGold and AuCOFFRE tell us that since its launch 2 days ago they’ve already had preorders in excess of 350 pieces. All this from an image of the Obverse only – the Reverse is a closely guarded commercial secret which will be revealed in early December (we have it on good authority that it is a world’s first and unimaginably innovative).
Sounds like a great welcome awaited this product which suggests it has a bright future ahead.
The idea behind this coin was to promote a universal coin, and to provide an alternative “clean extraction” 1 ounce gold product to the Krugerrand, Nugget, Eagle, Panda, Philmarmonica etc.
It’s price will always be close to these types of products and will reflect it’s pure gold content , universal nature and totally new and unique design.
The Vera Valor is exclusively available as a pre-order via and – the coins will be in Members accounts during the period 5th – 9th Dec 2011.
If you wish to know more please click the link to contact directly.
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